Todas las entradas de: Toni González


El futuro de las artes escénicasde: la inclusividad. Espectáculo +45 de compañía Sebastian Garcia Ferro
+45, un espectáculo inclusivo de la compañía Sebastián García Ferro (foto: Tristán Pérez-Martín)

El “Futuro de las Artes escénicas en España” fue publicado originalmente en la revista “RED ESCÉNICA”, Nº 10 de Julio de 2019.

El Futuro de las Artes Escénicas en España: Sostenibilidad, Inclusión y Reto Ecológico.

La mayoría de las personas tenemos una visión subjetiva de los hechos que narramos y la mía viene marcada por mi actividad profesional y por mis contactos y participación en foros de las artes escénicas en diferentes lugares del mundo. Quizás por una necesidad vital de supervivencia, mis especulaciones sobre el futuro de las artes escénicas están teñidas por una pátina de idealismo que, tal vez, ocultan la cruda realidad de las muchas batallas perdidas, enmascarando una sensata llamada a la retirada. Como este no es, ni ha sido nunca mi caso, para predecir el futuro me ceñiré a lo que me sugiere mi conocimiento, mi experiencia y los contactos con otras personas que tienen ideas, vivencias y contactos similares a los míos.



La barrera del idioma por Toni González

La barrera del idioma en las relaciones culturales internacionales es el principal obstáculo para una comunicación e intercambio de conocimiento justo e igualitario.

En mi experiencia profesional, el principal impedimento que he encontrado para que mi trabajo y mi carrera avanzaran ha sido la barrera del idioma. Sonará extraño para quien conozca mi trayectoria. Se pueda pensar pensar que en mis treinta años de actividad profesional me he desenvuelto bastante bien por los circuitos de las artes internacionales.   Hablo cuatro idiomas; dos por nacimiento, el catalán  y el castellano, y otros dos por formación. Primero fue el francés y después el inglés. Con todo, no puedo negar mi profundo pesar por no dominar a la perfección el inglés.


In Defense of the Catalonian Arts Council – CoNCA

The Councillors of the Catalonian Arts Council have resigned in block to protest by the threaten of the new Catalan government to eliminate their executives competences.

This is their letter: Seguir leyendo In Defense of the Catalonian Arts Council – CoNCA

Toni Gonzalez Moves to London his Base of Operations

I am pleased to inform that in the coming days I’ll move to London and from there I will continue my professional career as a consultant for the performing arts and international management culture. I foresee a stay in London for about two months. Seguir leyendo Toni Gonzalez Moves to London his Base of Operations

New “Spanish Network of Public Theatres” Travel Notebook: The Netherlands

Performing arts venues in Netherlands
Performing arts venues in the Netherlands

Just published the third volume devoted to the Netherlands in the collection “La Red Travel Notebooks”. This collection began with London and Berlin, is the result of the training trips I’ve been designing annually for the Spanish Network of Public Theatres. Its aim is to present models and best practices in managing theatres and concert halls in Europe. In addition, in each of the volumes is an immersion in systems of cultural policies that give its support to public and subsidized theatres.

The three volumes have been reissued in a new design and published bilingual, Spanish and English. With this step the activities of the Network of Spanish Theatres goes beyond, starting as an international research centre specializing in management of performing arts venues. The new publications can be downloaded at the following links:

Travel Notebook 3: the Netherlands

Travel Notebook 2: Berlin and Potsdam

Travel Notebook 1: London and Oxford

The new volume includes a first part of cultural policy and the Dutch system of performing arts exhibition. The second section describes the most innovative venues of Holland from the point of view of management, the artistic project and its architecture. Among others presents the Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Rotterdam Zuidplein Theater, Theaters Tilburg, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam and Het Muziektheater aan’tlj Muziekgebouw, these last two important concert halls in Amsterdam. All theaters show the main figures for its operation: budgets, audiences, number of representations, etc.

The three volumes are an indispensable collection if you want to learn the differences between the various management models of subsidized European theatres. Also provide a perfect tool for catching up on trends and innovations that pioneered performance spaces of Europe are currently developing.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2011

From this corner in Internet I wish you a very happy Christmas and that 2011 let us to do everything we want and we have not yet donne.  Ah! and it would be foolish to let  the crisis stop us

I leave this Christmas song to remember that John Lennon left us 30 years ago. An honest artist and concerned about the world around him.



Overview Internationalization Performing Arts Projects

PowerPoint of my lecture on Wednesday 3 November in Santander (Spain) at the general meeting of the Spanish Network of Independent Theaters. Seguir leyendo Overview Internationalization Performing Arts Projects

Few days to start La Feria de Teatro y Danza de Huesca

In my third year of collaboration with the Feria de Huesca (Hueca international showcase for performing arts) I can’t but express satisfaction with the results obtained. The difficulty of pulling ahead in Spain a performing arts project which encourage innovation and contemporanity above populism, tradition and simple entertainment (I feel a deep sorrow for the case of Gijon’ La Laboral) can be optimistic about the strength of the Feria de Huesca and its position in the future.

Macarena Recuerda Shepherd


The strong commitment of the patrons  for the contemporary performing arts and the debate in the context of professional meeting point has given the expected results and I am convinced this year will be definitively consolidated. Anyway, we must be careful since no one escapes the strong dependence  of the culture sector  on politics in Spain  and the approaching election times, and therefore possible changes in the political ecosystem.

Compañía La Tristura


I encourage you to continue the link of the Fair to look at the Artistic Programme and the Professional Conference. Concerning artistic programme I put some significant videos, although there is much more. The Conference is titled “Time for Revolution” (look at the introductory text) and no doubt will be a good place to reflect what changes are needed in the cultural sector to advance much further, with or without crisis.

Montreal Danse


Whoever approaches La Feria de Huesca , I am sure will have a few days of discovery and reflection necessary for the future of their professional activity.

Be sure to visit the blog mov-s/madrid

These days I am in body and soul dedicated to mov-s/madrid2010. Visit the blog where I publish all relevant information.

And if you want to give you a tour by mov-s/madrid from 10 to 13 June at Reina Sofía Museum, theatres and arts centres of Madrid.

“mov-s/madrid 2010” – The Active Spectator

Presentation of “mov-s/madrid 2010 to be held at the “Centro de Arte Reina Sofia” in Madrid and performing arts venues of the city from 10 to 13 June. Information

Under the generic title of “The Active Spectator”, the third edition of mov-s aims to delve into the reality of today’s audience. The relationship between performer and spectator can be enriched through the transformation from a passive spectator to an active spectator, who is the protagonist in their relationship with the artist. Considering the spectator as being intimately involved with the artist’s work is a path relatively little explored by the arts, in particular the dance and movement arts, and is a way for a large number of people to be involved in artistic creation. Seguir leyendo “mov-s/madrid 2010” – The Active Spectator